About Our Work

We believe that the quality of the relationships we have with others directly impacts our ability to thrive in any environment - work, school, family, etc. When we can work with others to improve the quality of our relationships, we improve our lives.

We use a combination of neurobiology, psychology, and leadership development frameworks to help leaders, parents, teachers and others more deeply understand themselves AND understand and connect with others. You can read more about some of the tools we use below.

Polarity Thinking™

First developed by Dr. Barry Johnson in the early 1970s, Polarity Thinking and the Polarity Map® are the best tools we have found to address the interdependent nature of relationships. At the core of every relationship is the tension between taking care of ourselves AND taking care of the other person in that relationship. If we over-focus on our needs, we neglect others and are seen as selfish. If we over-focus on the needs of others, we neglect ourselves and become resentful. Understanding the depth of this tension, and how to maximize our ability to get our needs met AND meet the needs of others is critical to developing and sustaining deep and meaningful relationships in our lives.

See more about Polarity Thinking™ by visiting www.polaritypartnerships.com.

Interpersonal Neurobiology

Pioneered by Dr. Dan Siegel, the field of Interpersonal Neurobiology brings together experts from many scientific disciplines to try and answer the question "What is the mind?" Through this effort, Dr. Siegel has authored and co-authored many books, including Parenting From the Inside Out, which is the foundation of our Parenting Course curriculum. 

See more about Dr. Siegel's work and the field of Interpersonal Neurobiology on his website here.

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy®

From the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute Website:

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy® draws from somatic therapies, neuroscience, attachment theory, and cognitive approaches, as well as from the Hakomi Method. Since the first course in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy® was offered in the early 1980’s, it has gained international acclaim. The first book on Sensorimotor Psychotherapy®, Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy, published in the Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology in 2006 gained international acclaim. The sequel to the first book, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment was published in spring of 2015.

For more information on Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, please visit their website here, or read this research article